
Artist and Music News

Moonchild Announces Album ‘Starfruit’ for February 11

 October 29, 2021

By  ExoticDJ

Moonchild will release a new album for 2022. Starfruit will be their 5th album, which felt like a big milestone to them as they were making it. They have been creating music together for 10 years.

The band said, "We were brainstorming anything that had to do with the number 5, and "star" came up because the stars we grew up drawing had five points. So, Starfruit seemed like a perfect title because this album is the fruit of our last ten years of growing and meeting so many incredible people."

"From the practice rooms at school to our bedroom closets, each album has been a representation of our growth as people and musicians. We’ve brought new sounds, friends, instruments, plugins, inspirations, and life lessons to each album and the same is true for this one. We can’t wait to share it with you in February!"

Checkout the first single, Too Good below.

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